
Posts Tagged ‘Hillary Clinton’

By Michael M. Shapiro

During the past few weeks, both John McCain and Barack Obama have begun speaking with possible candidates for the vice presidency. They are presumably looking at a variety of factors as well as a background dossier on each individual to ensure to the greatest degree that there are no skeletons in the candidate’s closet. What should McCain and Obama each be looking for in a vice-presidential running mate?


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Citizens only have real power over party bosses when serious candidates seek party nominations in primary elections, where voters and not power brokers get to decide who is going to hold public office.

The marathon competition for the presidency being waged by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton is one example how things get done in a democracy.

This June, Democrats will face a host of choices that really test whether the party is ready to end “politics as usual” and elect new leaders who will make real changes for New Jersey. (more…)

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